The hottest trend that to set the sweets table world on fire is the DONUT WALL! Afterall, the only thing better than a donut is a HANGING WALL OF DONUTS!
We’ve rented our donut walls to all sizes of events, and we’ve seen it all from oooey and gooey, to multicolour, to Krispy Cremes, and Tim’s best. Many add flowers or greenery across the top for a more colourful display.
But we do have one tip for you when hanging those donuts. Be sure to let your donut provided know they will be hanging and to keep that top glaze on the lighter side. Too much glaze tends to let gravity take hold and before you know it, your glaze is running down the board.
But, a little planning will ensure that late night treat will wow your guests with a special midnight delight!!! Great fun for photos, too.
We have a 4′ x 3′ XL Wall that has a built in easel that hold up to 80 donuts. (40 single or 80 double) OR if you just want a few donuts in a mixed sweets table, we have a clear acrylic stand that holds a dozen with an option to expand with acrylic stacking poles. All fun and your guest will love it.
Message us with your date to check availably and pricing. Other donut displays also available.